Overview: This Application is evolved to play video games, connect to other folks by means of cellular web (A imply voice or video calling), watch a few youtubе movies, (3g stabilization) or the use of all this on laptops by means of tethering on telephone.
First time while A attempt to play video games A discovered that ping very top, and leap from 30 to one thousand and extra.. Also skypе calls is have been been so laggy.
So S made up our minds constructed this small somewhat software, which pressure check out strengthen H+ connection, to lower ping leaping, and building up high quality of cellular web.
Well, with same old worth in settings my ping after that ninety five% of time is low! Also calling now w/o any lags, A simply revel in the use of this app.
Additionally: This software just for stabilizing an present 3G H+(HSPAP) connection, And A discovered that a few Samsung galaxy units isn’t give a boost to. But you’ll be able to check it personal.
Few mistakes is commonplace for little while of labor. If you a had much more mistakes attempt to amendment server to github(USA) in personal tastes. (Quan of mistakes presentations in notification).
Bad if mistakes much more (greater than 500) in keeping with little while of the use of, Here A reccomend you amendment server in personal tastes, or building up somewhat bit obtain period
Thanks for studying this description, Let me understand in the event you in finding a few mistakes, insects or different. Regards, developer of this app, Roman.
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