Notific Pro v5.1.2 Apk

Notific is lockscreen notification app that displays your notification in an intuitive manner when you need it.
It will automatically turn the screen on and display your notification in one of the three themes along with quick action buttons if expansion is enabled. It is not designed to replace your stock lockscreen, but to complement it.

You can choose your own style from Three different themes, Jellybean HOLO, Android Wear inspired Material and Ambient Display inspired dark (AMOLED friendly) theme. (Some themes are available only on Android 4.4 and above due to system limitation on 4.3)

If the phone is in pocket, don't worry. Notific is intelligent enough to understand that and will not turn on the screen. But if you take out the phone from your pocket within 10secs (customizable) it will turn on the screen for you.

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